Our Blog
A collection of posts on website development, WordPress, SEO and various helpful resources we can point our clients to.
How to Connect cPanel Email to Gmail
Learn how to connect your cPanel email account to Gmail — so that you can send and receive emails via Gmail. Includes assigning a profile photo to your email.
Setting Up Google Workspace (G Suite) Email with cPanel
Email on the same server as your website is convenient, but is it wise? Here are reasons to use G Suite (Google Apps) and how to do it with cPanel hosting.
Best Free Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware Solutions
Recommended free software to prevent and/or remove pesky viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, or other malware from Windows PCs. updated as needed.
Redirect Loop Installing WordPress on a Subdomain
Fix for installing WordPress on a subdomain and receiving the “This webpage has a redirect loop” or “The page isn’t redirecting properly” errors.
Connecting to Another MySQL Database With WordPress
How to access data from a separate database in a custom WordPress page template. A solution to prevent mysql_connect from using WordPress’s existing connection.
Removing WP e-Commerce Meta Boxes
We had a very hard time finding any information on removing the meta boxes found when adding and/or editing products using the WP e-Commerce plugin. To keep...
406 Error Fix
Are you or others receiving a 406 error when visiting your site? Most likely it is caused by mod_security, which acts as a firewall to protect web application...
Redirect Only Specific Files from HTTP to HTTPS
How to redirect only certain files from HTTP to the secure HTTPS via a .htaccess file. Thus individual files can only be accesses using a SSL connection.
“301” Redirects for SEO
How to setup a permanent “301” redirect using a .htaccess file. This will ensure that all requests coming in to your non-www domain will get redirected to www.