To send and receive cPanel email using Gmail as a email client, the first thing to do is decide whether you want to connect your email to an existing Gmail account, or setup a new Gmail account. If you setup a new Gmail account you do not have to use the new Gmail address if you don’t want; you can just use this account specifically for your cPanel email.
In your new or existing Gmail account, click on the cog button in the upper right hand corner and then click “See All Settings”.
On the Settings page, select the “Accounts and Import” tab. In the “Check mail from other accounts” section select “Add a mail account“.
A pop up window will appear. Enter the cPanel email address that you want to add to your Gmail account. Then click Next.
Choose “Import emails from my other account (POP3)”. Then click Next.
On the next page, enter your mail settings. Use your full email address as the username, and the password associated with it. The POP server will be — be sure to replace “” with your actual domain. Set the port # to 995.
Make sure you check the box next to “Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail”.
If you’re not going to use the Gmail account you set up, then you might not want to check the box “Label incoming messages“.
When finished click Add Account.
If your settings are correct you will be taken to the next page. Choose Yes to be able send mail, and then click Next.
On the next page, enter your name. This will be the “from” name when sending emails. The checkbox “Treat as an alias” is optional, but I recommend unchecking it. When finished, click Next Step.
On the next page, enter your SMTP settings. The STMP server will be — be sure to replace “” with your actual domain. Set the port # to 465, and enter your full email address as the username, along with the password associated with it.
Make sure you check the box next to “Secure connection using SSL”.
When finished click Add Account.
Finally, a confirmation code will be sent to the email address. Click on the link in the email to verify ownership.
Lastly, go to your Gmail account settings (Cog Icon » “See all settings”) and select the “Accounts and Import” tab. In the “Send mail as” section you can select the default email account, and I recommend selecting “Reply from the same address the message was sent to“.
Assign a Profile Photo to Your Email Address
Optionally you can set a profile photo that displays next to your details in Gmail and other’s contacts. In order to change the image, you’ll need to setup a new Google Account. Just follow the on screen instructions to create the account, however when it asks for your email select the link “Use your existing email”.
After your account has been setup click on the default photo icon in the top right corner. This will open a panel with a larger version of the icon. Click on this larger icon and then select the image you wish to use as your new profile photo.